Residential Energy Management
At Protector Security Systems, we know that homeowners are looking for ways to save money – we are homeowners too! One of the easiest ways to save money at home is by effectively managing your energy use. Fully connected to the rest of your home, Energy Management from is far more advanced than any stand-alone thermostat. Our award-winning solution makes managing your energy use easy by learning your activity patterns and adapts to your needs, automatically. It’s a smarter, simpler way to save money and stay comfortable.

Climate and Ambiance Control
Make your home respond to you. Easy to use automated schedules manage your settings according to set timeframes, while custom rules and triggers make your system respond to specific actions or conditions.
Event Triggers
Set your own custom triggers to have your environment adjust for you. For example, have your thermostat automatically switch to an energy-saving setpoint when you leave or arm the security system to Away.
Smart Schedules
Create personalized schedules to automate lights and thermostats based on time and day of week, keeping your house comfortable and making it appear occupied when you’re away.
Exclusive Features from
In addition to anywhere mobile access and control, offers exclusive benefits to fully optimize your home to your unique needs.
Never forget to change your schedule again. can use your location to automatically adjust your thermostat to save energy when you’re gone and re-set for comfort when you are on your way home.
Extreme Temps
Save money automatically on extremely hot or cold days. Have your thermostat automatically adjust a few degrees up on hot days and down on cold days. You won’t feel the difference but your wallet will.
Activity Patterns
The connection to your security system makes your thermostat exponentially smarter. Using information from all of your sensors – door and windows opening, motion, arming and disarming – the system learns your patterns and make a personal recommendation for optimal energy performance. More information means better performance.
Custom Automation
Make your home respond to you. Easy to use automated schedules manage your settings according to set timeframes, while custom rules and triggers make your system respond to specific actions or conditions.
Event Triggers
Set your own custom triggers to have your environment adjust for you. For example, have your thermostat automatically switch to an energy-saving setpoint when you leave or arm the security system to Away.
Smart Schedules
Create personalized schedules to automate lights and thermostats based on time and day of week, keeping your house comfortable and making it appear occupied when you’re away.
Measurable Results
Get real insight into your energy use with Energy Monitoring from You’ll be able to see where you’re consuming the most energy and can make changes that have real impact. You’ll also be able to track the results of these changes on your energy use and costs so you’ll know if you’re making progress.
Energy Monitoring
Get a baseline of your home’s total energy use and energy use by device. You’ll learn how much energy you use overall, and which devices are the most costly.
Savings Estimator
Compare schedules to see how they impact your energy use and costs, then set a schedule to automate the settings that are best for you.
Solar Energy Integration
If you have solar panels, see how your renewable energy production offsets your total energy use.