At Protector Security Solutions, we are homeowners too. So, we know very well that you want to cut your energy costs and save money. With our energy management solution, you can now use your home security system to control your energy usage, leading to significant savings. Here’s how it works and why you should make use of it.
Climate and Ambience Control
With’s easy-to-use mobile app, you can regulate your energy usage through smart, customizable controls that help you optimize your climate control (through a smart thermostat), and lighting (through scheduled automation and usage monitoring). Whether you’re at home or not, you can check your lighting and climate control and make adjustments as you go, or create custom schedules to switch these utilities on and off as needed.
Custom Automation
In addition to creating smart schedules, you can also set up event triggers so that your system will adjust automatically in response to certain key events. For example, your thermostat could be set to switch to energy-saving mode when you leave the house.
Accurate Monitoring
Not only can you monitor your overall energy usage, but you are also able to measure how much is being used by each device. You can then adjust your usage accordingly. You can compare possible schedules to see how they will affect your costs, and then set one that gives you the best utility-to-cost ratio. You can even integrate solar panels and determine what effect they have on your energy expenses.
With this combination of control, automation and monitoring, your home security system can make your home smarter and more cost-effective. If you want to know more about and what it can do for you, contact Protector Security Solutions.
Read more about how you can secure your home for your family here.